On the Sunday following the feast of the Immaculate Heart, the Bishop of Madison presided over a solemn celebration to inaugurate the IHM parish of Monona as a diocesan Marian shrine to promote devotion to the Green Scapular. Sister Anne was newly arrived in Wisconsin and saw the announcement in the Catholic paper. You can be sure that she was in attendance! When the bishop noticed her at the parish picnic, he approached her and expressed a warm and fatherly interest. It was Father’s Day!  Has Mary’s new Order found a father in this man of God? Our Theotokan Australian artist, Paul Renneberg, has offered his icon of Sister Justine to help promote the Green Scapular. Sister has already contacted the shrine personnel to discuss layouts for icon prayer cards, which would bear a reference to the House of Mary website, of course!


Mary’s Apparitions for the World: Paris, Rue de Bac


35:00-40:00  for the segment on Sr. Justine and the Green Scapular