Discerning a Religious Vocation to the Order of the Mother of God?

For information on Priests, Brothers or Sisters, please go to the Home Page and explore all the items offered at the door: Mary’s New Order. If you still feel called, then please contact Mary Farran. See below for details.

Discerning a Lay Vocation to the Order of the Mother of God?

Please go to the Home Page and explore all the items offered at the door: Mary’s New Order. If you still feel called, then contact Mary Farran (details below) and she’ll connect you to speak with a Lay Theotokan.

Discerning a call to become a Benefactor to the budding Order of the Mother of God?

Our website just changed from PayPal to Cornerstone, a Christian company that doesn’t collect personal data.
Click to donate online

To send a check or parcel . . .
Please make it payable to Mary Farran.

Mary Farran
c/o Paulyn Ripp
7414 Clemens Rd. #A
Dane, WI 53529-9722

To send a message to Mary Farran directly use the form below.

     To send Text or leave a Voicemail: 316-218-8541

Once you establish contact, a phonecall can be arranged with a landline number, a better connection than the cellphone which is often out of range. Vocation inquiries are very welcome, as for curious questions about new or unapproved apparitions, we welcome information to help with discernment, but most are anonymous and impossible to investigate, and therefore a waste of time. 

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