Publications on the Marian Apparitions of Garabandal
(Books Listed alphabetically by Author, Periodicals are listed after the Books)
Author: Albright, Judith M.
Our Lady at Garabandal
© 1992 Faith Publishing Company
Printed book: 99 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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Description: A good beginner book. A quick read and well-organized summary.
Author: Bebie, CP, Father Philip (Passionist Congregation)
The Warning
© 1986 101 Foundation
Printed book: 96 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
DocX: The Warning Fr Philip Bebie.doc
PDF: n/a
5 Star! Excellent! To be read as though the Warning/Illumination has just happened. Without arousing alarm and fear, Father Philip exhorts the reader to prepare with love in our hearts and to be ready to assist and evangelize those who experience the Warning as a call to conversion. This book is unique in making the reader ponder what the aftermath of the Warning will be. There is much to stir hope in our hearts, because of the grace of the Warning.
Author: Carmelite Tertiary (England)
The Apparitions at Garabandal
© 1964
Printed book: 20pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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Description: Many photos. Extremely rare, almost unattainable. It was published before the apparitions ceased. The last apparition covered by the book was December 8, 1963.
Author: Daley, Harry with Conchita Gonzalez
Miracle at Garabandal
© 1983 Double Day, 1991 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Inc Lindenhurst, NY
Printed book: 192 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
DocX: Miracle at Garabandal Daley links.doc.
DocX: Miracle at Garabandal Daley noLinks.doc
PDF: Miracle at Garabandal Daley links.pdf
Harry Daley first heard about Garabandal about 1970. He met Conchita in 1972 and she agreed to do a documentary about the events. Their documentary film debuted on television in May 1973 and then shown in theatres around the world. This prompted the BBC to do a more documentary about the Garabandal events. Q&A with Conchita here:
Mr. Daley, in this book, focused primarily on the after effects of the events which occurred at Garabandal, which makes it an interesting read. Conchita moved to the U.S., married, had four children and does her best to live an ordinary life. However, she is the main visionary from Garabandal, and for that reason her life can never be completely normal. How many Catholics can say that Mother Teresa is the godmother of one of their children? Or that bishops and theologians from around the world visit their home? How many Catholics can claim to have had a private audience with a Pope, and St. Padre Pio? Conchita is who she is: a woman who has seen visions of heaven, and actually knows the exact date when the greatest miracle in the world will soon happen.
Author: Garabandal Journal, St. Cloud Minnesota
© 10th printing 2019
Printed book: 64 pp. Theotokans own copies.
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This is a wonderful comprehensive, accurate summary! It’s a fast read and deliberately designed as an inexpensive way to promote this apparition. At present in 2023, they ask $2.50 per book, but if you can purchase in a quantity of 20, the price is reduced to $1.20. Please consider ordering soon!
Garabandal Journal
PO Box 1796
St. Cloud, MN 56302-1796
Author: García de la Riva, Father José Ramón
Memoirs of a Spanish Country Priest
© 1969 (English translation)
Printed book:189 pp. long out of print
DocX: Memoirs Spanish Country Priest.doc
PDF: Memoirs Spanish Country Priest.pdf
Visits to Garabandal from 1961 to 1968. Recollections from approximately 200 Apparitions of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Michael the Archangel which I witnessed at San Sebastián de Garabandal
Author: Garcia de Pesquera, OFM Cap, Father Eusebio
She Went in Haste to the Mountain
© 3 volumes: Spanish 1972 Se fue con prisas a la montaña Los hechos de Garabandal (1961-1965)
English translation: 1981 St. Joseph Publications, Brian Miller, M.D.
© 3-in-1: 2018 The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Lindenhurst, New York)
Printed book: 670 pp. Theotokan owns one copy of the 3-in-1 Volume (C.Miller)
DocX: n/a
Vol. 1 PDF: She Went in Haste Bk01.pdf
Vol. 2 ___: She Went in Haste Bk02.doc
Vol. 3 PDF: She Went in Haste Bk03.pdf
3-in-1 PDF: She Went in Haste 3Vol.pdf
This book is a monumental classic known as the “Bible of Garabandal.” Originally printed in three volumes with 8.5 x11 pages narrating the epic story. This was the first book with photos from official Spanish government news film of the ecstasies, 500 photographs taken by the spectators, and many full-page and color photos, giving dynamic illustrations of the girls in their amazing raptures. Later it was printed in reduced size as a single volume. (Summary here
Author: Gonzalez, Conchita
Garabandal – Conchita’s Diary: A Tale of Innocence
Translated by Father Adof Faroni, SDB
© 1980s? by 101 Foundation
Printed book: long out of print
DocX: Diary Conchita Garabandal.doc
PDF: Diary Conchita Garabandal.pdf
Note: See below: Our Lady Comes to Garabandal which includes the Diary with commentary
The only account of the Garabandal events by one of the four visionaries. The honesty and sincerity of a thirteen-year-old is evident in the simple and unemotional description of the story. It is compelling internal evidence for the authenticity of the events.
Author: Kelly, Ed
A Walk to Garabandal
© 2017 Good Books Media (Corpus Christi, Texas)
Printed book: 324 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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Very well written, easy to read and understand. The reader is taken on a journey to view the events of Garabandal through the unique perspective of the author. Ed Kelly samples the food and wine and moves on to Pamplona. Back home he learns that the Vatican takes seriously the predictions of a future horrifying warning for everyone in the world, which will be followed in the village of Garabandal by the greatest miracle in history at which the sick will be cured. Conchita confirms to a BBC interviewer, “that if the conditional punishment follows, it would be better that her children had never been born.” The author is in Garabandal sixteen times to live more than four years total in the area. He listens to eyewitness relive what they had seen and heard and felt during the apparitions and gets to know the visionaries. Kelly is widely recognized as an expert on Garabandal, especially in terms of the local Church’s investigation and evaluation of the apparitions.
Author: Jerez, Mariam Gutiérrez
The Girls of Garabandal
Santiago Mata (Translator)
© 2018 printed in USA
Printed book: 140 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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Large print. Junior high reading level. The author presents with simplicity and a multitude of illustrations the fundamental facts, with a language accessible to both children and adults.
Author: Laffineur, OP, Father Materne & M. Th. LePelletier
Star on the Mountain
©1968, 1969, 1974 Our Lady of Mount Carmel de Garabandal, Inc. (Lindenhurst, New York)
Original edition: © 1968 French, L’Etoile dans la Montagne, Quebec
Printed book: 284 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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This French Canadian, Spanish-speaking priest was a witness of the events. Covering the period from 1961-1967, this book offers one of the earliest, comprehensive and scholarly accounts of the apparitions at Garabandal.
Author: Mackay, Peter Alexander
Garabandal: One Minute to Midnight
© 2015 Self-published, Lexington, Kentucky
Printed book: 124 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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This book explains the importance of the visions and the role that these visions promise to play in our lives. then it can be said that this book offers a perspective on the events of Garabandal that could not have been understood before now. The author offers commentary on some other apparitions with his own interpretations. If you are new to the Garabandal story one of the other comprehensive books would be a better choice.
Author: Pelletier, A.A., Joseph A. (Assumptionist Congregation)
Garabandal Prayer and the Rosary
© 1970 Assumption Publications (Worcester, MA)
Printed book: 32pp. Long out of print.
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PDF: Pelletier Prayer and Rosary.pdf
This was Father Pelletier’s first or second of his four books on Garabandal. While he offers a good summary of the events, with photos and theological commentary, this short book is devoted to the lessons given by Our Lady regarding the Rosary and suggestions for incorporating them into our own prayer life.
Author: Pelletier, A.A., Joseph A. (Assumptionist Congregation)
God Speaks at Garabandal
© 1970 Assumption Publications (Worcester, MA)
Printed book: 128 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
DocX: n/a
PDF: Pelletier God Speaks Garabandal .pdf
Father Pelletier explores the messages’ variety of genre: verbal and non-verbal, formal and informal. The apparitions at Lourdes and Fatima are used as comparisons. Theological explanations are interwoven throughout the book.
Author: Pelletier, A.A., Joseph A. (Assumptionist Congregation)
Mary Our Mother: Reflections on the Message of Garabandal
© 1971 Assumption Publications (Worcester, MA)
Printed book: 46 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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PDF: Pelletier Mary Our Mother .pdf
Written by the most prolific Garabandal priest-author, in this short book Father Pelletier dives deeper into the meaning of Our Blessed Mother’s actions and words and how we can integrate them into our daily lives.
Author: Pelletier, A.A., Joseph A. (Assumptionist Congregation)
Our Lady Comes to Garabandal
© 1971 Assumption Publications (Worcester, MA)
Printed book: 231 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
DocX: See also: Garabandal – Conchita’s Diary: A Tale of Innocence
PDF: Pelletier Our Lady Comes.pdf
In this third book from Father Pelletier, he bases it principally on Conchita’s Diary, which is reproduced in its entirety. He brings in other documents which form something of a continuation of her diary which stops in 1971. The primary concern of this author is complete accuracy derived from firsthand sources.
Author: Perez, Ramon
Garabandal – The Village Speaks
©1970, 1981, 1985 The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Inc. (New York)
Printed book: 351 pp. Theotokans own one copy (C.Miller)
DocX: n/a
PDF: Garabandal Village Speaks.pdf
This is the BEST book to get to know the beautiful people who were living in Garabandal in the 1960s and 1970s. Chapter 2 gives a helpful chronological of the events of Garabandal, and then leads into the testimonials of the villagers. Each villager has a chapter in which they respond to a set of questions. The official commission which was established by the local bishop only interviewed a few of the villagers, so this book is a very important piece of the historical record. Most of the people interviewed for the book saw ecstasies many, many times (hundreds in some cases), and were surrounded by this grace on a daily basis. The testimonials of Jose “Pepe” Diez and Simon Gonzalez (Jacinta’s father) are especially thorough and very informative.
Author: Petrisko, Thomas W.
Call of the Ages
© 1995 Queenship Publishing Inc.
Printed book: 509 pp., Theotokans own copies.
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Generic, not primarily Garabandal. Dr. Petrisko looks at prophecies of Marian apparitions, saints, mystics, stigmatists, and visionaries throughout the ages. In a very clear, documented style, he shows how their predictions all point to astonishing changes for the world in the future, beginning with a “warning,” miracles, a coming chastisement, and an era of peace. This book is excellent in helping to understand how all the modern Marian apparitions are tied together and are really all part of one larger message: to repent and turn to God in these times of mercy before the time of God’s justice and chastisement comes upon us which will ultimately lead to a purifying of the earth and an era of peace.
Author: Petrisko, Thomas W.
The Miracle of the Illumination of All Consciences
©2000 St. Andrew’s Productions
Printed book: 147pp. Theotokans owns one copy (C.Miller)
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From as far back as the 16th century, when St. Edmund Campion of England spoke of a great day that would reveal all men’s consciences, a coming day of enlightenment has been foretold. It is purported to be a day in which God will supernaturally illuminate the conscience of every man, woman, and child on earth. Each person, then, would momentarily see the state of their soul through Gods eyes and realize the truth of His existence. In 2000, this book was the only comprehensive and authoritative guide to this event, using Scripture and testimony from the saints and visionaries to explain this great miracle of Gods Mercy.
Author: Sanchez-Ventura y Pascual, Francisco
The Apparitions of Garabandal
© 1965, …1989 San Miguel Publishing, and St. Michael’s Garabandal Center Pasadena California
Printed book: 205 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
DocX: Apparitions Garabandal Pascual.doc
PDF: Apparitions Garabandal Pascual.pdf
A definitive recounting of the extraordinary events which occurred in that remote village located in northern Spain. First published in 1965 while the apparitions were still occurring, Sanchez Ventura’s vividly detailed account of his own direct observations and those of the other first-hand witnesses he interviewed, is the most authoritative on this subject. Francisco Sanchez-Ventura y Pascual was a highly respected Spanish attorney, economics Professor, award-winning novelist, personal counselor to Spanish royalty, and founder of various businesses. He founded the magazine Maria Mensajera (Mary Messenger), directed numerous courses specializing in Mariology and published more than 50 books — most of them investigative studies into mystical phenomena and Marian apparitions. He died June 13, 2007.
Author: by Rolla, Gregory M.
Of Queen and Prophets
The Garabandal Events and “The End of the Times”
©2011, 2013 Self-published, Lexington, Kentucky
Printed book: 397 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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Presents Mary as a prophetic voice in the contemporary Church, fulfilling her role, as did the prophets of the Old Testament, in the “spirit and power” of Elijah. She comes directly to a confused and persecuted Church in our day, offering us a “way out” of the present quagmire. And that “way out,” of course, is reminding us that it is only through Her Son. The author also discusses Mary’s place in Catholic eschatology. Besides sthe apparitions at Garabandal, several recognized Marian visitations from the 17th through the 20th centuries prior to 1960 are also examine. Continues with some unique information. Well annotated.
Author: Saavedra, Jose Luis
Garabandal Message of Hope:
Recent Marian Apparitions
© 2016, 2017 Association Elizabeth Van Keerbegen
Printed book: 318 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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Many have asked: Did the Virgin Mary really appear in Garabandal? Were the messages that the visionaries gave true? What happened to the official investigations? Has the Church given her definitive judgment with regards to the apparitions? Do the extraordinary happenings have any natural explanation? Is there any future for the apparitions of San Sabastian de Garabandal? These are but a few of the questions that receive light thanks to this incredible work based on the first academic study ever realized on the supposed Marian Apparitions of San Sebastian de Garabandal in the University of Navarre, Spain. Jose Luis Saavedra meticulously unravels the story of Garabandal in its entirety, from the historical facts to the mystical theology behind the events; and from the private messages of the visionaries to some of the most well-known spiritual fruits of conversion and healing known to the public. What is more, he has managed to transform a first doctoral thesis into an enjoyable and accessible read for all. If you are interested in the story of Garabandal, you need not look farther than this book or at the movies based on this book. You can see the videos free online: Garabandal: God Only Knows, and Garabandal-Unstoppable Waterfall. This book is well annotated.
Author: Timmerman PhD, William
The Scary Warning from Garabandal and Your Spiritual Microchip
© 2013, 2019 Newtonia Publishing, Seattle Washington
Printed book: 77 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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The book challenges the reader to “get their act together” by facing all the sins in their life and starting today to change their way of living to leading a “good life”. The author provides valuable insights and instructions on how to use your spiritual microchip for preparing in advance for the great Warning coming from God.
Author: Turner O.P., Robert Francois
O Children Listen to Me
© 1975, 1980, 1982 The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Inc.
Printed book: 190 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
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Well written with excellent insights. Deeply moving and deep in thought, without being difficult. Informative and faith-building. The material is organized by theological subjects and the book shows how the teachings of the Church came alive and were acted out at Garabandal in many marvelous episodes.
Author: Walker, L. R.
The Mystery of Garabandal
© 2013, 2021
Printed book: 256 pp. Theotokan owns one copy (C.Miller)
DocX: n/a
PDF: n/a
Description: (Amazon comment)
Regardless of whether the Catholic Church approves or disapproves, the author has compiled a great deal of compelling (and often terrifying) information for readers to contemplate in this book. The author ties all three events – Fatima, Medjugorje and Garabandal together by pointing to the numerous similarities in the messages received. The author maintained a neutral view of Garabandal by presenting information journalistically so readers could make up their own minds. The Mystery of Garabandal is compelling enough to give true believers hope and strengthen their faith. Very well annotated.
Author: Watkins, Christine
The Warning
© 2019 Queen of Peace Media
Printed book: 305pp. Theotokans own copies
DocX: n/a
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This book presents a long series of persons who offer testimony of personal warning experiences to convert from their sinful lifestyle. Some chapters are quite disturbing. Unfortunately, this book also presents the opinions of the Canadian priest, Father Michele Rodrigue, who purports to be a prophet but his prophecies have proved to be unreliable. His commentary should be ignored.
German Book
Garabandal: Der Zeigefinger Gottes
(The Finger of God)
By Weber, Albrecht
German only. No e-book
Could someone come forward to translate this book into English???
As a young man Albrecht worked as a television cameraman and became a good sound engineer with his own sound truck. He installed an audio system in the cathedral of Lisbon. He was successful in his business dealings and owned a house and property in Garabandal and an apartment in Fatima. Albrecht’s involvement in Garabandal goes back to 1965 when he first visited the village, and he was present on the day of Conchita’s last apparition on November 13, 1965. On the following day he and others (his mother, Elizabeth, and Eloisa de Guia) had a lengthy conversation with the seer, from which Albrecht learned some things that had not been published until his book Garabandal Der Zeigefinger De Gottes came out in 1992.
He also revealed that Conchita said at that time that a Pope will go to Moscow just before the Tribulation begins. When this information was challenged, Albrecht was contacted and asked for his source. He said his mother was writing those things down as Conchita said them. Albrecht was also mentioned by Our Lady during the November 15 vision of Conchita, when she said he would start (spreading the message) when the other one stopped. And this happened. Franz Speckbocker was the principal promoter of Garabandal in Germany until around 1990. When he ended his Garabandal apostolate Albrecht began shortly after that. He published four books on Garabandal as well as other literature, produced CDs and a small statue of Our Lady as she appeared at Garabandal. He did the narration for the German version of The Message of Garabandal video produced by the New York Center and obtained a copy of the master tape so he could produce the videos in his own country.
Albrecht also donated the money for the entire refurbishing of the altar when the Garabandal village church underwent a complete restoration which was completed in 2012.
<< Periodicals >>
Periodical: Garabandal Journal
© 2002–current [2023]–St Cloud, MN
Bi-monthly journal until 2022 and death of editor Barry Hanratty
Quarterly journal starting 2023 with new editor, Dick Kodet
Periodical: Garabandal Magazine
© 1979-2001 The Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Lindenhurst, NY
The official publication of the worldwide apostolate dedicated to spreading Our Lady’s Messages given a Garabandal.
2001 Barry Hanratty, managing editor (d.2022)
Joey Lomangino editor in chief (d.2014)
Periodical: Needles
© 1968-1979
Named for the Pine it was the publication of The Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel In 1979 the name was changed to Garabandal Magazine/
Black and white, staples
Periodical: Garabandal Austrailia
© info coming
Australian Garabandal Center
Periodical: The Vigil
© xx? years
A Quarterly journal of St. Michael’s Garabandal Center, Brockton, Massachusetts
Maria Saraco