Discerning a Religious Vocation to the Order of the Mother of God?

For information on Priests, Brothers or Sisters, please go to the Home Page and explore all the items offered at the door: Mary’s New Order. If you still feel called, then you may contact “Sister Anne.” See below.

Discerning a Lay Vocation to the Order of the Mother of God?

Please go to the Home Page and explore all the items offered at the door: Mary’s New Order. If you still feel called, then you are encouraged to log in at Theotokan.town and ask to speak with a Lay Theotokan.

Discerning a call from Mary to become a Benefector*?
(*I hereby acknowledge that the money I am sending via this site is a gift, as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, for the direct or indirect support of the apostolate known as “Order of the Mother of God.” There exist no further conditions to the gift. I understand that this gift is most likely NOT tax deductible and I will seek counsel from my tax advisor on any tax-related issue as it pertains to this gift.)
To send a check . . .
Please make it payable to “Sister Anne,” and mail to:

To donate via PayPal . . .

*I hereby acknowledge that the money I am sending via this site is a gift, as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, for the direct or indirect support of the apostolate known as “Order of the Mother of God.” There exist no further conditions to the gift. I understand that this gift is most likely NOT tax deductible and I will seek counsel from my tax advisor on any tax-related issue as it pertains to this gift.

 To contact “Sister Anne” directly:

     email: PraisebetoYHWH@protonmail.ch

     call or text: 316-218-8541

* Please be aware that she has many responsibilities right now and doesn’t have time to spare. She welcomes information on apparitions, but please do not ask her personal opinion on unapproved private revelations. After she has enough information and the leisure, she will post publicly her discernment.