by "Sister Anne" | Mar 1, 2017 | Approved
To Download: Click “Play Audio (or Video)” Click in browser, or right-click and choose “Save link as…” We’ve been working our way chronologically through Mary’s apparitions, beginning with 1830. As we saw, there were several apparitions...
by "Sister Anne" | Mar 1, 2017 | Approved
To Download: Click “Play Audio (or Video)” Click in browser, or right-click and choose “Save link as…” Now we move up to Central America, another hotbed of political turmoil and unrest. Mary appeared right in the center of the long war...
by "Sister Anne" | Mar 1, 2017 | Approved
To Download: Click “Play Audio (or Video)” Click in browser, or right-click and choose “Save link as…” I’ve lost track of how many people asked me what Marian Apparition I’d be speaking about this week, but not one person had heard of San...
by "Sister Anne" | Mar 1, 2017 | Approved
To Download: Click “Play Audio (or Video)” Click in browser, or right-click and choose “Save link as…” This morning we’re going to speak of two countries in South America where Mary appeared often in recent times with messages for the...
by "Sister Anne" | Mar 1, 2017 | Approved
To Download: Click “Play Audio (or Video)” Click in browser, or right-click and choose “Save link as…” Last week we spoke of the delightful Marian Apparition to a group of parishioners at Pontmain in the winter sky of France in 1871. This...
by "Sister Anne" | Mar 1, 2017 | Approved
To Download: Click “Play Audio (or Video)” Click in browser, or right-click and choose “Save link as…” Our Lady appeared at Fatima in the middle of World War I. Her 1917 messages did not get approved by the Bishop of Portugal until 1930,...