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Apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification and the Crisis in the Catholic Church in Our Times

Part Three: Mother Mariana prepared and narrated by Paul Renneberg

At 1.00am on January 21, 1610, when Mother Mariana was again praying in the choir and before the Tabernacle it became illuminated with celestial light. The three angelic hosts St Michael, St Gabriel and St Raphael along with hosts of other angels appeared to announce the arrival of Our Lady of Good Success once again.

The Three Archangels imparted lights to illuminate Mother Mariana’s intelligence, expand her heart and to cure her blindness to the messages. These graces were designed to dissipate her fears and doubts, inflame her heart with supernatural fire and enable her to believe the messages that are to be given to her about a new Marian devotion to Our Lady of Good Success. The Angels informed Mother Mariana that:

“By means of this devotion, Our Lord would work great miracles, spiritual as well as material, first for her Convent, so that in it He would always find a home, and second, for the devout faithful, above all those at the end of the 18th and the 20th century, who would be favoured of His Heart, for in that period Hell would be unleashed and many souls would be lost.”1

In the later half of the 18th Century the French Revolution began. This heralded a period or wars, political and civil unrest that continued into the 2oth century. On September 19 in 1846 Our Lady of La Salette informed the seer Melanie Calvat that:

“in the year 64 (either 1864 or 1964), Lucifer together with a great number of demons will be unloosed (unleashed) from hell. They will put an end to Faith little by little, even in those dedicated (consecrated) to God.”…….and: “In the year 65 (either 1865 or 1965) there will be desecration of holy places <<the abomination will be seen in the holy places>>. In convent(s), the flowers of the Church will decompose <<be putrefied>> and the devil will make himself like the king of all hearts.”2

It is unclear exactly which century Our Lady was referring to when she appeared at La Salette, but in either case, Our Lady of Good Success has referred to both time periods. It is also noteworthy that the Second Vatican Council came to an end in 1965 and the Novus Ordo Mass was officially promulgated from 1965 onwards. In the Novus Ordo Mass altars were turned to face the laity and Priests were required to turn their backs on the Tabernacle of Our Lord.

Mother Mariana remained praying for another hour and at 2.00am on the same morning Our Lady appeared again under the title of Good Success carrying the Infant Jesus and the Crosier as she had before3. Mother Mariana was again shown all the unfaithful religious who would inhabit the convent in Quito until the end of time. Who “because of their inveterate lukewarmness, God justly abandons such souls”.4 However, Mother Mariana was also encouraged by the large number of:

“faithful souls who here in my beloved convent will live and die in self-abnegation and isolation, practicing solid virtue in heroism and hidden sanctity. Through them in the centuries to come, as well as through you in these times, divine justice will be stayed.”5

Our Lady went on to prophecy to Mother Mariana that:

“Thus I make it known to you that from the end of the 19th century and from shortly after the middle of the 20th century in what is today the Colony and will then be the Republic of Ecuador, the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of customs, for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sects.

They will focus principally on the children in order to sustain this general corruption. Woe to the children of these times! It will be difficult to receive the Sacrament of Baptism and also of Confirmation. They will receive the Sacrament of Confession only if they remain in Catholic schools, for the Devil will make a great effort to destroy it through persons in positions of authority”.6

It is now a matter of history that the practice of the faith has fallen away even among self-professed Catholics. How many children are actually baptised in our times, or begin a Sacramental program. This is a problem of global proportions within the Catholic Church, not just in Ecuador.

Our Lady further told Mother Mariana that:

“The same thing will occur with Holy Communion. Alas! How deeply I grieve to manifest to you the many enormous sacrileges – both public as well as secret – that will occur from profanations of the Holy Eucharist. Often during this epoch the enemies of Jesus Christ, instigated by the Devil, will steal consecrated hosts from churches so that they might profane the Eucharistic Species. My Most Holy Son will see Himself cast upon the ground and trampled upon by filthy feet.”7

It is now a matter of course that the communion hosts now used in Mass are broken up by the Priest for distribution to the laity. When this occurs crumbs are scattered on the Altar, fall on the floor, get trodden on and sucked up by vacuum cleaners to be thrown out with the trash. With Communion in the hand it is too easy for hosts to be stolen and later profaned. Hosts are given out by unconsecrated hands to all and sundry whether they have been to Reconciliation or not. While he was pontiff Pope Benedict XVI made a point of only giving Communion on the tongue. How many of the laity and Priests actually do this today?

During this Apparition Our Lady ordered Mother Mariana to have her statue made and instigated the devotion:

“….How I love the fortunate inhabitants of this sacred place!…. For this reason, today I authoritatively order you to have this statue made: Let it be sculpted just as you see me and placed upon the Abbess’ chair, so that from there I may govern and direct my daughters and defend my Convent; for Satan, making use of both the good and the evil, will engage in a fierce battle to destroy it.

This battle will reach its most acute stage because some irresponsible religious, under the appearance of virtue and with bad-intentioned zeal, will undermine the existence of their mother, the Religious Life, who nourished them at her breast. These souls will assume massive responsibility for their actions. Only by Divine Mercy will they arrive at Purgatory to be purified by its fires.”8

With regard to the Sacraments; Our Lady told Mother Mariana that in our times, Extreme Unction would be little valued and many will die without receiving the graces necessary for the leap from time to eternity. In addition:

Matrimony will be attacked and profaned: “Freemasonry, which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the aim of doing away with this Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin and encouraging the procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the Church. The Catholic spirit will rapidly decay; the precious light of the Faith will gradually be extinguished until there will be an almost total and general corruption of customs. Added to this will be the effects of secular education, which will be one reason for the dearth of priestly and religious vocations.”9

Who doubts that this is in fact the case in much of Western society in this day and age as predicted by Our Lady of Good Success some 400 years ago. Christianity, which built Europe and much of the West is in severe decline. Marriage appears ill-considered by most or irrelevant, and is now merely a state run institution.

Our Lady predicted the decline in religious vocations and the abuse scandal that has undermined the clergy and the faithful throughout the Catholic Church when she told Mother Mariana that:

“The Sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed, and despised, for in this Sacrament, the Church of God and even God Himself is scorned and despised since He is represented in His priests. The devil will try to persecute the ministers of the Lord in every possible way; he will labor with cruel and subtle astuteness to deviate them from the spirit of their vocation and will corrupt many of them. These depraved priests, who will scandalise the Christian people, (emphasis added) will make the hatred of bad Catholics and the enemies of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church fall upon all priests….”10

The decline in vocations in the Catholic Church is very much self-evident. Priests are often maligned in the press and in the wider community. With the sexual abuse scandal that has plagued the Catholic Church over the last few decades, priests are no longer trusted. The political enemies of the Catholic Church have used the abuse scandal to malign the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, in many countries, the hierarchy of the Church have repeatedly sort to cover-up the abuse by its Priests and to silence the victims. In Australia and other parts of the world we have seen the passing of laws that undermine the seal of the confessional as some immoral Priests have used the confessional to gain access to victims. Immoral priests in many ways have been protected, promoted or moved to other Parishes where they can continue their abusive behaviour and access more victims. The Catholic Church appears to have lost its moral compass and can no longer hold itself up as a beacon of justice and morality in the wider community. This is a great pity for the many Priests who are continuing to lead holy lives and act as Good Shepherds for the Faithful. As Our Lady said to Mother Mariana:

“This apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings to the good Pastors of the Church, the many good priests and the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth, who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of his God and Lord, beseeching light, sanctity and perfection for all the clergy of the world, of whom he is King and Father.”11

In the later years of Pope John Paul II’s pontificate he was a prisoner of infirmity in the Vatican. More recently, his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, on the first day of his Pontificate, stated that he was now “among the wolves” in the Vatican. Since then he has been given to resign and retreat to a position of Pope Emeritus with no real power or influence and shunned by his colleagues12.

In a recent letter Pope Benedict XVI lamented the sexual abuse scandal which he appears to attribute to the moral decline in the wider society in the 1960s. He described the cultural “Revolution of 1968” and acknowledged that: “In various seminaries homosexual cliques were established, which acted more or less openly and significantly changed the climate in the seminaries.” These were responsible for the moral degradation of many priests. Bringing many priests to ignore their vows of chastity and to lead numerous souls into moral degradation.13

Our Lady went on to inform Mother Mariana that:

“Further in these unhappy times, there will be unbridled luxury which will ensnare the rest into sin and conquer innumerable frivolous souls who will be lost. Innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women. In this supreme moment of need of the Church, the one who should speak will fall silent.”14

Pope Francis is now on the public record as having stated that he would say nothing about the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church when he was charged with ignoring and promoting predator priests15. Over the last 50 years, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church has remained largely silent in the face of repeated allegations of sexual predation and immoral conduct by their fellow Priests, Bishops and Cardinals. Many victims in Australia were forced into silence by the threat of ongoing litigation if they reported their abuse to authorities.

Our Lady Commands her statue be made

During this third apparition of Our Lady of Good Success, Mother Mariana was again commanded by Our Lady that her statue be made:

“Now, be docile to my exhortations, and command without delay that my holy Statue be sculpted, just as you see me, and hasten to set it in the place I indicated to you.”16

Mother Mariana protested that she did not have the words to describe Her beauty and no earthly artist would have the capacity to complete such a work. However, Our Lady assured Mother Mariana that:

“Do not let this worry you, beloved daughter, I will see to the perfection of this work. The Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael will take charge secretly of making my Statue. You should call Francisco del Castillo who knows this art well and give him a succinct description of my features, exactly as you see me,……”17

“As for my height, take the cord from around your waist and measure me without fear.” This cod was placed in the Hand of Our Lady and it miraculously lengthened to her height.18 The cord is now a precious relic in the Convent.

After the Apparition, Mother Mariana sort the counsel of her sisters who urged her to contact the Bishop and request the statue be made without delay. However, Mother Mariana hesitated to contact the Bishop, not because she disbelieved the Apparitions but because she feared the bishop would not believe her and because she feared the inhabitants of the Colony had a strong propensity to idolatry.

Fourth Apparition

A few days later on the first day of February in 1610, the Convent was preparing to celebrate the Feast of the Purification (February 2nd) and Mother Mariana had still not contacted the Bishop. At 1.00am the next morning on 2nd February on the Feast of the Purification, Mother Mariana was again praying. At 1.30am Our Lady appeared. Mother Mariana observed that Our Lady was looking at her with “amiable severity without saying a single word.”19 Mother Mariana responded:

“Beautiful Lady, my Queen and Mother, your poor daughter cannot bear to see you like this any longer. Accustomed to your maternal caresses, my heart feels an emptiness that nothing or no one can fill. Let your just anger cease, and I will immediately obey your order, should it cost my life or even that of my Convent.”20

After Our Lady reprimanded Mother Mariana she promised to seek out the bishop that day. Mother Mariana expressed her fear of the people falling into idolatry and asked for her name be hidden so that only Our Lady receives the glory. This was granted to Mother Mariana when Our Lady told her:

“As for your request that your name be hidden, this pleases me, and I will do as you have asked. Tell the Bishop that it is my will and the will of my Most Holy Son that your name be hidden at all costs, both within as well as outside the cloister, for it is not fitting for anyone at the present time to know the details or origin of how this Statue came to be made. For this knowledge will only become known to the general public in the 20th century.

During that epoch the Church will find herself attacked by terrible hordes of the Masonic sect, and this poor Ecuadorian land will be agonising because of the corruption of customs, unbridled luxury, the impious press, and secular education. The vices of impurity, blasphemy, and sacrilege will dominate in this time of depraved desolation, and that one who should speak out will be silent.”21

On January 16 in 1611 the Statue of Our Lady of Good Success was miraculously finished by the three Archangels (Michael, Gabriel and Raphael). The sisters arose early in the morning to recite the Little Office of Our Lady. As they approached the choir they saw it was illuminated with celestial light and melodious music could be heard. The Holy Statue had been finished miraculously! When the sculptor arrived to add the finishing touches he exclaimed:

“Mothers, what has happened? This magnificent Statue is not my work! I cannot express what my heart feels! This is an angelic work, for a work such as this could not be made on this earth by hands of mere clay. No sculptor, no matter how skilled he might be, could ever imitate such perfection and unique beauty!”22

The Bishop confirmed the miracle later the same day and questioned Mother Mariana about its completion. She reported to the bishop that while praying as she usually did she was privy to a gesture from the Holy Trinity; the three Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael approached the Throne of the Queen of Heaven:

St Michael said: “Mary Most Holy Daughter of God the Father. St Gabriel said, Mary Most Holy Mother of God the Son. And St Raphael said, Mary Most Holy, Most Pure Spouse of the Holy Ghost.

Then, joined by the celestial hosts, they intoned together, Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the most Holy Trinity”23

Together with St Francis the three Archangels completed the Statue in a moment and their intonements before the Queen of Heaven became the basis for a new devotion to Our Lady of Good Success (see attached Novena). St Francis then commended the sons and daughters of the Three Orders he had founded to the maternal love and care of Our Lady and “I deliver to you today and for all times this Convent (in Quito) established under my custody.”24

The Bishop subsequently solemnly blessed the Statue and ordered a Novena be conducted in preparation for its investiture. This took place on February 2nd in 1611 at 9.00am in the morning. In line with the Feast of The Purification, the Statue was to be blessed and installed as Mary of Good Success of the Purification or Candlemas. After this solemn anointment of the Statue, devotion to Our Lady of Good Success grew in the Convent and the surrounding community. Her feast day has been commemorated on February 2nd annually within the Convent ever since.

Revelations about the Blessed Sacrament and the Masonic Conspiracy against the Catholic Church

On the feast of Corpus Christi in 1623 Mother Mariana was again praying before the Blessed Sacrament as it was in exposition for the Feast. She again fell into ecstasy and was given to see the blessings bestowed on the Colony as a result of public devotion to the Blessed Sacrament in the future centuries. Processions would be made through the streets and include religious, laity and persons from all social classes. However, Mother Mariana was also given to see the fury of the Devil who would seek to destroy Catholic piety that is “founded upon the faith of the children of God”25.

The devil would make use of their fellow countrymen who “would work to oppress the Church in their assemblies and prevent this public devotion, for they would have already entered the party of Satan by becoming members of the Masonic lodges…….She saw that this generation of men without faith would be formed by unworthy children of the Catholic Church who would impiously oppress her and put an end to the reverent processions that attract the blessing of God……..He (God) showed her (Mother Mariana) how the hideous and pestiferous wild boar of Masonry would enter the beautiful, flourishing vineyard of the church, leaving it destroyed and in complete ruins.”(emphasis added)26

Mother Mariana also saw the “special reward awaiting them in Heaven: “For to those who are devoted to the Sacred Eucharist, God reserves a special reward at the moment of death, and afterward in Heaven…..

Mother Mariana understood more clearly than ever before…..that the devotions to the Passion, the Blessed Eucharist and Our Lady constitute the support and mainstay of religious institutions and of her Convent in particular. This is also true for the celebration of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”27

Later that same day in her weakened state, Mother Mariana “again lost her senses. This time she saw the infidelity of the ministers of the altar to their holy vocation, and the unworthy way that some would approach the Holy Sacrifice. She considered the causes of this and her soul was overcome with profound, unearthly sorrow.”28

In 1990, Our Lord told Vassula Ryden about what Freemasonry is doing in His Church in our times:

“then they appointed priests out of their own number for the high places who officiate today in the heart of My Sanctuary; and they are not worshipping Me; they pretend to do so; they go out masqueraded as high priests, worshipping and serving the beast itself and its production which is conformed to the world; they are worshipping alien and lifeless gods,…”29

The Grand Orient de France (GODF) is the largest of several Masonic organisations in France and is the oldest in Continental Europe dating its foundation to 1728 or 1733. It is widely considered to be “the mother lodge of traditional Liberal, or Continental Freemasonry…..”

“The Grand Orient advanced the concept of Laïcité (secularism), a French concept of the separation of church and state and the absence of religious interference in government affairs. In the 1930s the Grand Orient was still hostile to Church interests, wishing to close private schools (which were predominantly Catholic), or failing that, to reintroduce an insistence that only state schools could provide civil servants.

This appears to have been designed to undermine the authority of the Catholic Church in France from the later part of the 18th century onwards. Secularism is now widespread in governments throughout the Western world.

During the first decade of the 21st century (i.e. 2000 to 2010), the Grand Orient de France was concerned about a ‘silent revolution’ of a return of religion in society. It advocated government action against (according to its own terms) an ‘offensive of cults in Europe’. In April 2008, when the legitimacy of the anti-cult ministerial group (MIVILUDES) was questioned, the Grand Master of the Order, Jean-Michel Quillardet, intervened personally with the President of the French parliament in order to maintain its activity”30

The Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Fight against Sectarian Drifts(MIVLUDES) is a government agency set up by The French secular government to monitor the activities of what it deems as cults and sectarian movements. This French government agency has been criticised by the Catholic Church and other international religious freedom organisations (e.g., the Washington-based Institute for Religion and Public Policy) for its raids on various Catholic Communities and for having them vilified in the popular press.

In 1846, Our Lady at La Salette told Melanie Calvat that:

“All the civil governments will have one and the same plan (aim), which will be to abolish and do away with every religious principle, to make way (room) for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and vice of all kinds.”31

Examples of this can be seen in the abuses of the child seers at Fatima in 1917 who were imprisoned by the Masonic Mayor of that part of Portugal and threatened with death. Earlier in 1846 Our Lady revealed to Melanie Calvat:

“May those in charge of (May the Heads of) religious communities be on their guard against (be watchful about) the persons they must receive (whom they have to admit), because the devil will resort to all his evil tricks to introduce sinners into religious Orders, for (moral) disorder(s) and the love of carnal pleasures will be spread all over the earth.”32

In 1972 Pope Paul VI informed us that the smoke of Satan had entered the Church. Pope Paul VI was therefore aware that satan’s emissaries had entered the hierarchy of the Church. At his election, Pope Benedict stated that he was now among the wolves in the Vatican.

At Fatima, Our Lady told us that satan would enter into the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. After the Prophecies of Our Lady to two shepherd children at La Salette in 1846; Melanie and Maximin were persecuted and condemned by Ecclesiastical Freemasonry in the Catholic Church of France who resented Our Lady’s description of them as:

“ … priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honours and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity.33

This persecution continued throughout the later half of the 19th century in an effort to silence Melanie and Maximin. At La Salette Our Lady warned of crop failures which occurred later in 1846. This is thought to have contributed to popular unrest in France. Two years after Our Lady appeared at La Salette saw the advent of political upheaval and revolutionary unrest throughout Europe. The year 1848 became known as the Year of Revolutions and is regarded as the most widespread wave of revolutionary fervour in European history. Both Karl Marx and Frederich Engels were active at this time. The “Communist Manifesto” was published by Karl Marx in London in February 1848.34

In 1990 Our Lord revealed to Vassula Ryden of True Life in God the action of Freemasonry within the Catholic Church in our time:

“…and those who officiate today in My Church, but are revolving around the beast’s power, boasting about their knowledge of My Law, are those very ones who are calling My Name in vain;

they are those who shut up the kingdom of Heaven in men’s faces, neither going in themselves nor allowing others to go in who want to; they ‘preach’ against stealing, yet they steal souls from Me; they ‘forbid’ adultery, yet they commit adultery themselves since they follow the black beast and are faithful to him;

they pretend to despise idols, yet they rob My Sanctuary; so if this generation blasphemes My Holy Name and uses it idly, it is because of the permissiveness, satiated in vice, given to them freely by these very ones garbed in black cloaks; to destroy the roots of holiness and justice is their aim, and bring lawlessness to its zenith…”35 (emphasis added)

The ones “garbed in black clothes is a direct reference to Freemasonry within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. In the same message Our Lord said to Vassula that:

“I am the Ruler of the kings of the earth and I have asked you not to commit any impure acts or adultery; adultery has been refined in such a way by Satan, that it lost its meaning both in ecclesiastical orders and in laity; My endurance in your sin has come now at its end; for those who sought Satan’s blasphemous powers and erected them as banners to efface My Divinity and My Holiness, and My Holy Sacrifice, I tell you: it is your fault that My Name is being blasphemed among the godless; you have sullied My Sanctuary by ordaining perverted men with degrading passions; tainted all alike, they do not fear Me; so if the godless today commit adultery and find it natural it is because of the great permissiveness in My Church given under the instructions of the beast whose aim is to falsify the Truth;36

Our Lady told Fr Gobbi in 1989 that the black beast in the Book of Revelation (Ch 13) indicates Freemasonry and the lamb beast indicates Freemasonry infiltrated into the interior of the Catholic Church.37

Fifth Apparition

At midnight on the morning of February 2nd 1634, Mother Mariana was again praying. Again she fell into ecstasy. She saw the Tabernacle open and the sanctuary was inundated with celestial light. Mother Mariana perceived that the Holy Trinity were present in the Eucharistic Host. Mother Mariana saw how the Blessed Virgin was preserved from the stain of original sin as a consequence of the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ so that the work of Redemption could be achieved. Mother Mariana saw that the Church would be

“preserved by the protection and support of this Sovereign Queen and embellished by the blood of martyrs, who would never be lacking in any epoch.”38

Now in 2019 we have confirmation that Christians are the single most persecuted religious group in the world: “it is estimated that one third of the world’s population suffers from religious persecution in some form, with Christians being the most persecuted group.”39

However Our Lord told Mother Mariana that despite the persecution: “I will preserve this beloved Church until the consummation of time. It will be strongly attacked but never conquered. For if men will be lacking, I will send down Legions of Angels from Heaven for its conservation, defence and triumph.”40

“The Divine Infant continued: “The Dogma of Faith of the Immaculate Conception of My Mother will be proclaimed during a time when the Church will be strongly attacked and My Vicar will find himself a prisoner.”41

So also will the dogma of Faith of the Transit and Assumption, body and soul, into Heaven of My Most Holy Mother be proclaimed. But you as well as my spouses and chosen souls, should always believe this as if it were dogma.”42

The dogma of the Immaculate Conception was proclaimed on December 8 in 1854 when Pius the IX was a virtual prisoner in the Vatican after the Papal States had been usurped by the new Italian State. The Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin was proclaimed on November 1st in 1950 by Pope Pius XII.

Our Lord went on to warn Mother Mariana:

“A thousand times cursed be those heretics and their followers who place in doubt these mysteries concerning Myself and My Mother. Let them be cursed! And let their eternal abode be the centre of the earth, together with the father of the lie, Lucifer and his henchmen, inside the fire created by Divine Ire for the rebellious angels and the men who follow them, severing themselves from the truth and leaving the Catholic Church.”43

On February 2nd in 1634 at 3.00am in the morning Mother Mariana was again praying before the Tabernacle. While praying the sanctuary light went out leaving the area in darkness. Before Mother Mariana could rise and attempt to relight the sanctuary light, the Queen of Heaven appeared again as Our Lady of Good Success and relit the Sanctuary Lamp. Our Lady informed Mother Mariana that her long sojourn of suffering in this world would soon come to an end and she will move to Eternity:

“My Most Holy Son has heard your clamours and at long last will end your exile. Prepare your soul so that, increasingly purified, it might enter into the plentitude of the joy of The Lord.

Oh! If all mortals, and in particular religious souls, could know what Heaven is and what it is too possess God! How differently they would live and they would spare themselves no sacrifice in order to possess Him!

Some however are blinded by the false brilliance of honours and human grandeur, and others by unrestrained self-love, which gives rise to lukewarmness, a grave evil that causes great damage in religious cloisters.”44

In Sacred Scripture Our Lord admonishes the Church of La-odicea for being neither “hot or cold” The Church of La-odicea is likely symbolic of the so-called modern Church in our times. It is neither hot nor cold:

“Would that you were cold or hot! So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing: not knowing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.”45

Our Lord has lamented to Vassula Ryden in message dated May 6th 1991 that:

“O House of Mine! come, come to Me and walk in My Light; yet, when I come in My Great Return, will I find any faith on earth?”46

Our Lady explained to Mother Mariana that the sanctuary light had been extinguished for a number of reasons.

“The first is that at the end of the 19th century and advancing into a large part of the 20th, various heresies will be propagated in this land, then a free Republic.”47

Marian Horvat 48makes the point that Our Lady appears to be referring to Modernism which sprung to life in the Catholic Church towards the end of the 19th Century and continued into the 20th.

“In a Catholic context Modernism is a loose gestalt of liberal theological opinions that developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The term came to prominence in Pope Pius X’s 1907 encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, which synthesises and condemns modernism as embracing every heresy. The movement was influenced by Protestant theologians and clergy, starting with the Tübingen School in the mid-19th century….… The final overall teaching of modernism is that dogmata (the teachings of the Church, which its members are required to believe) can evolve over time – not only in their expression but also in their substance – rather than remaining the same in substance for all time. This postulate was what made modernism unique in the history of heresies in the Church.”49

Like the rebel sisters in the Convent in Quito, Modernism seeks to “relax” the rules and provides naturalistic explanations for the Divine, which ultimately calls into question the existence of the Divine. It proposes rationalistic human ideology in place of Divine Truth thereby placing human thought above God.

An example of the effect of Modernist thought on the doctrine and dogma of the Church was given by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in a recent essay where he lamented the decline in the moral authority of the Catholic Church in the later half of the 20th century:

Coincident with the moral decline of the wider society during that time: “Catholic moral theology suffered a collapse that rendered the Church defenceless against these changes in Society.”

“In the end, it was chiefly the hypothesis that morality was to be exclusively determined by the purposes of human action that prevailed…..

….Consequently, there could no longer be anything that constituted an absolute good, any more than anything fundamentally evil; (there could be) only relative value judgements. There no longer was the (absolute) good, but only the relative better, contingent on the moment and on circumstances.”50

This modernist form of moral theology was promulgated by prominent Catholic Church Theologians at the time, in opposition to Pope John Paul II. It clearly places human thought and activity above the Will of God and makes it easy to justify just about anything and undermines the Ten Commandments.51

Since the 1950s and 1960s Liberation Theology has also gained prominence in Latin America particularly during the 1970s. It appears to envelope the faithful into the political struggle of the poor against wealthy elites who are viewed as oppressors and therefore inherently sinful. Liberation theologians have been criticised both formally, from within the Catholic Church, and elsewhere, as advocates of Marxism , leftist social policy and activism. This turns the practice of the faith into a political movement and advocates armed struggle if necessary. It also ignores the history and atheism of Marxism, that worldwide has been responsible for the wholesale slaughter of millions of Christians since the 19th century. In our own time, Marxist totalitarian and authoritarian regimes continue to persecute, imprison and intimidate Christians.52 The Catholic Church in China continues to be persecuted despite the so-called agreement reached with the Vatican in recent times.

It appears that the ideology of Soviet Communism has crept into the Church by another door. Liberation Theology also appears to ignore the fact that in many Marxist states the poor are still the poor. After Communist China adopted Capitalism a few decades ago, how many Chinese citizens still live below the poverty line while powerful members of the Communist Party have become wealthy? Jesus Christ himself told us that you will always have the poor.53 Marxism certainly has not solved the inherent problem of poverty as exemplified by the destruction of the Russian economy under Communism during the later half of the 20th century. They eventually threw off the yoke of Communism in 1989 after 70 years of Marxist domination.

Our Lady of Good Success went on to explain to Mother Mariana that the second reason for the Sanctuary light being extinguished:

“..…my Convent, being greatly reduced in number, will be submerged in a fathomless ocean of indescribable bitterness, and will seem to be drowning in these diverse waters of tribulations.54

Our Lady lamented the loss of many “authentic vocations” through poor formation while they are Novices, by those who are charged with their formation. She warned:

“The spiteful Devil will try to sow discord, making use of putrid members, who, masked by the appearance of virtue, will be like decaying sepulchres emanating the pestilence of putrefaction, causing moral deaths in some and lukewarmness in others.”

The third reason the sanctuary light was extinguished was:

“…because of the spirit of impurity that will saturate the atmosphere in those times….

There will be almost no virgin souls in the world (emphasis added). The delicate flower of virginity, timid and threatened by complete destruction, will shine in the distance. Taking root in cloisters, it will find good soil there that will take root, grow, and live, its fragrance being the delight of my Most Holy Son and the shield against divine ire. Without virginity, it would be necessary for the fire of Heaven to fall upon these lands to purify them.”55

The fourth reason the sanctuary light was extinguished was for the corruption of childhood innocence. Again the Masonic sect, is reported as infiltrating all social classes and working to corrupt childhood innocence and thereby kill off vocations to the Priesthood. Our Lady said:

“In this epoch the Secular Clergy will be far removed from its ideal, because the priests will be careless in their sacred duties…..they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to obtain.”

Our Lady went on to tell Mother Mariana that….this Church will suffer on that occasion the dark night of the lack of a Prelate and father to watch over them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, discernment, and prudence. Many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger….

Pray insistently without tiring and weep with bitter tears in the secrecy of your heart, imploring our Celestial Father that, for love of the Eucharistic Heart of my Most Holy Son and His Precious Blood shed with such generosity and by the profound bitterness and sufferings of His cruel Passion and Death, He might take pity on His ministers and quickly bring to an end those ominous times (i.e. our times) sending to His Church the Prelate who will restore the spirit of its priests.

My Most Holy Son and I will love this favoured son with a love of predilection, and we shall gift him with rare capacity,….

Into his hands the scales of the sanctuary will be placed so that everything is weighed with due measure and God will be glorified…..

The lukewarmness of all souls consecrated to God in the priestly and religious state will delay the coming of this Prelate and Father. This then will be the cause of the cursed Devil taking possession of this land, where he will achieve his victories by means of a foreign and faithless people, so numerous that, like a black cloud, it will obscure the limpid heavens of the then Republic

With these people all the vices will enter which will attract in their turn every type of chastisement, such as plagues, famines, internal fighting and external disputes with other nations and apostasy,…..

In order to dissipate this black cloud that prevents the Church from enjoying the clear day of liberty, there will be a formidable and frightful war, which will see the bloodshed of countrymen and foreigners, of secular and religious priests and also of religious. That night will be most horrible, for, humanly speaking, evil will seem triumphant.

This then will mark the arrival of my hour, when I, in a marvellous way, will dethrone the proud and cursed Satan, trampling him under my feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss. This Church and Country will finally be free of his cruel tyranny.”56

Our Lady gave a similar prophecy at Fatima stating that in the end Her Immaculate Heart will triumph.

It is noteworthy that:“Trade between China and Latin America increased by 1,200% from $10 billion to $130 billion between 2000 and 2009.

Of the estimated $140 billion that China has lent to Latin America since 2005, over 90 percent has gone to four countries – Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador.

China has been seen as an alternative to the United States and Europe by Latin American nations for support in the international community, for funding of infrastructure and humanitarian aid, and for creating economic growth. The number of high-level meetings between Chinese and Latin American officials have rapidly increased. These have been accompanied by a number of bilateral agreements.”57

The fifth and final reason for the sanctuary light being extinguished was for the indifference and laxity of the wealthy:

“who will indifferently stand by and witness the Church being oppressed, virtue being persecuted and the triumph of evil,.…

It is also due to the indifference of the people who will allow the Name of God to be gradually snuffed out and adhere to the spirit of evil, freely delivering themselves to vices and passions.”58

At the end of this vision Mother Mariana was in deep sorrow and was found by her sisters lying on the floor as if dead. She remained this way for three days and three nights.

During the remaining months of her life in 1634 Mother Mariana was again blessed with holy ecstasy. She saw how the Holy Trinity resided in the Consecrated Host and mother Mariana prophesied:

“…how Jesus Christ lives a life of impressive activity in the Blessed Sacrament, unceasingly labouring for the salvation of the souls that He loves so dearly and cost Him so much.

She also saw that Mary Most Holy, that tender Mother and secure refuge of poor sinners, has a lively role in the salvation of souls, who owe her dearly, because all conversions take place by means of and through the intercession of this blessed Mother, channel of divine graces. One goes to Jesus Christ always through Mary Most Holy.

Jesus washes us with His Precious Blood, the Holy Spirit inflames us with the fire of divine love, and thus we are presented cleansed and purified, before the Celestial Father,….”59

The Sixth and Final Apparition of Our Lady of Good Success

On the Feast of The Immaculate Conception on December 8th in 1634, Mother Mariana had but a short time to live in this world. Her fellow sisters were aware that she was dying. Some wanted to pass on with her so as not to be left without her. However, at 11.30pm that night Mother Mariana again went to her customary place of prayer. Our Lady of Good Success appeared once again as She had before with the three Archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

St Michael carried white tunics adorned with burnished gold, stars and precious stones. St Gabriel carried a chalice of the Precious Blood of The Redeemer together with a Ciborium of Hosts and numerous white lilies. St Raphael carried a precious ampulla of balsam whose scent filled the air, purifying it and bringing joy and tranquility to the soul. He also carried a writing quill of “refulgent gold, marked with the name of Mary.”60

Our Lady explained to Mother Mariana the symbolism of these divine gifts:

“the white tunics were destined first for my faithful and fervent daughters throughout time who will live in the this cloister…..

The stars signify their continual exercise of all virtues, which will radiate in the firmament of the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church. Such light will illuminate many minds that have strayed, making them return to the Catholic truth.

Second, the tunics are also for secular and regular priests and laity of both sexes, who loving My Holy Son and myself with simple, upright hearts, also love this Convent of our predilection. Ignoring criticism and scorn, they strive for its conservation and dedicate themselves to propagating my devotion under the consoling invocation of Good Success, which will be the sustenance and safeguard of the Faith in the almost total corruption of the 20th century.”61

The Archangel Gabriel carries the Chalice of Penance “.…bearing the Blood of the Redeemer: This signifies the grace of resurrection from death (i.e. sin) and the restoration of souls by means of the Sacrament of Penance,….62

Our Lady lamented the Priests who did not value this Sacrament, failing to see the treasure they hold in restoring souls washed by the Blood of The Redeemer:

“How beloved are the priests of my Most Holy Son and myself. I am the tender Mother of priests, whom I venerate for their sublime mission and love most tenderly!…..

For the priest is the salt of the earth: If they fall short, the world, the devil, and the flesh take possession of poor souls,…

In the confessional, the priest assumes the most delicate roles of father, mother, doctor and judge….

Woe to the Priest who lets himself be led by a natural inclination to severity and harshness and negligently dismisses souls who hoped to be washed and cleansed from their spiritual leprosy in his priestly heart! When he dies, he will be called to strict account before the divine Tribunal for the delicate mission of directing souls.”63

Our Lady went on to tell Mother Mariana about the mission of Priests with regard to mystical souls. These souls are regarded as a gift to priests who are required to direct and sustain such souls through the course of their existence:

“…because these souls are, for the priest, the messengers of God, Who speaks and teaches through them,”64 Priests will be required to give strict account for treating them foolishly.

Our Lady foreshadowed the coming of St John Vianney: “From the 19th century onward, priests should love with all their soul John Baptist Marie Vianney, a fervent of mine whom Divine goodness is preparing for those centuries as an exemplary model of the humble priest. He will be from a noble family, so that the world will know and understand that in the eyes of God all that matters is profound virtue.”65

St John Vianney became known as the Cure of Ars and became the patron saint of confessors and parish priests. Our Lady also predicted that the Dogma of the Infallibility of the Pope would be declared. This was done in 1870 by Pope Pius IX, the same Pope who declared the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854.

The Ampulla of balsam carried by the Archangel Raphael which purifies the air represented the cloisters and convents where solid virtue and observance of the Rule is practiced.

“The purity and chastity that exist there are the exquisite fragrance that perfumes the fortunate countries that possess monasteries and convents. They purify the air polluted by those in the world who are delivered over to the most shameful vices and passions.”66

“Woe to the world should it lack monasteries and convents!…..

No one on the face of the earth realises whence comes the salvation of souls, the conversion of great sinners, the deferral of great scourges, the production and fertility of the lands, the end of pestilences and wars, and harmony between nations. All this is due to the prayers that rise up from monasteries and convents.”67

The violet coloured stoles carried by St Raphael symbolise the good action and zeal of good priests, who forget themselves in order to make Jesus and Mary known and loved by all hearts.

“The quill of Polished, shinning gold marked with my name (Mary) is for all priests of both clergies (regular and secular) who write of my glories and sorrows. It is also for those who by means of their writing diffuse my devotion of Good Success of this Convent, as well as your life, which is inseparable from this tender and consoling invocation.

In the 20th century, this devotion will work prodigies in the spiritual as well as temporal spheres, because it is the will of God to reserve this invocation and knowledge of your life for that century, when the corruption of customs will be almost general and the precious light of Faith almost extinguished.”68

Mother Mariana subsequently predicted the time of her own death and at 3.00pm on January 16 in the year 1635 she passed from this earth to her Heavenly reward.

Concluding Remarks

Some 2000 years ago, St John the Beloved Apostle was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Book of Revelation. In 1989 Our Lady told Fr Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests that the Book of Revelation was written about the Catholic Church in our times. It predicts the Judas like betrayal of the Catholic Church from within.

Some 400 years ago, satan’s attack on the Church was again predicted by Our Lady of Good Success to reach its peak in the times that we are now living; beginning in the later half of the 19th and 20th centuries. Our Lady also cited Freemasonry as a prime culprit used by Satan to undermine the Catholic Church. Our Lady told Father Gobbi in 1989 that the Lamb Beast in the Book of Revelation refers directly to Ecclesiastical Freemasonry that has infiltrated the Catholic Church. The effect of this attack on the Catholic Church is now increasingly self-evident.

In 1990 Our Lord confirmed to Vassula Ryden that His Body is divided when He said to her:

“there is a division in My Church; like Cain and Abel, brothers, yet divided; one blood, yet different; Abel was competent but Cain, incompetent; one was sincere, the other not; one was well disposed and pleasing, the other one was ill-disposed and displeasing Me; and today My Abels who officiate in My Church, suffer … they suffer because they see that their own brothers are betraying Me; this is the plague that weighs heavily on My shepherds and makes this brotherhood broken and divided;…”69 (TLIG September 21 1990)

Our Lady of Good Success also predicted to Mother Mariana that in the end She will triumph. She predicted this again at Fatima in 1917 that Her Immaculate Heart will triumph. Our Lady under the title of Good Success gave Mother Mariana a message of great hope. In effect she predicted Her Victory when “the evil will seem triumphant and the ecclesiastical authority will abuse its power”.70 There will also be a period of great tribulation as predicted in the Book of Revelation 7:14 (see also Mathew 24:21).

At La Salette in 1846 Our Lady told Melanie Calvat that at a time when evil will seem predominant and in a period of great tribulation, the:

“23. righteous will suffer greatly. Their prayers, their penances and their tears will rise up to Heaven and all of God’s people will beg for forgiveness and mercy (from God) and will plead for my help and intercession….

24.And then Jesus Christ, in an act of his justice and His great mercy will command his Angels to have all his enemies put to death….”71

This will be followed by a golden age when

25.Jesus Christ will be served, worshiped<<adored>> and glorified. Charity will flourish everywhere. The new kings will be the right arm of the holy Church, which/who will be strong, humble, pious in her poor but fervent imitation of the virtues of Jesus Christ <<pious, poor, full of zeal, and imitating the virtues of Jesus Christ>>.

The Gospel will be preached everywhere and mankind will make great progress in its faith, because there will be unity among the workers of Jesus Christ, and man/mankind will live in fear of God.”72

At Akita Our Lady echoed the message of Fatima and said to Sr Agnes Sasagawa “Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach.”73 Our Lady has been given the mission and the power to crush the head of satan. All we need to do is ask.


page 17 “The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana” by Fr Manuel Sousa Pereira 1790. Vol 2. Translation by Marian T Horvat, PhD. 3rd Ed. 2014


 page 57 Sister Mary of the Cross. Shepherdess of La Salette. by Abbe Gouin, expanded edition 2015.


 see page 19 “The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana” by Fr Manuel Sousa Pereira 1790. Vol 2. Translation by Marian T Horvat, PhD. 3rd Ed. 2014.


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 Letter from Pope Emeritus Benedict


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 page 111, “The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana” by Fr Manuel Sousa Pereira 1790. Vol 2. Translation by Marian T Horvat, PhD. 3rd Ed. 2014.


 The Ten Commandments, August 5 -29, 1990, True Life in God:



 page 57 Sister Mary of the Cross, Shepherdess of La Salette, Expanded Edition 2015.




page 54 Sister Mary of the Cross. Shepherdess of La Salette. by Abbe Gouin, expanded edition 2015.



 The Ten Commandments, August 5 -29, 1990, True Life in God:




page 649, To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons. 12th Ed. 1998.


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 Revelation 3:15-17. RSV


 True Life in God May 6th 1991: Apostasy Challenged My Mercy, The Woman Clothed With The Sun


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 The Church and the scandal of sexual abuse. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 2019


 see The Ten Commandments, August 5 -29, 1990, True Life in God:


 Persecuted and forgotten? A report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2013-15. Aid to The Church in Need, 2015


 Mathew 26:11, RSV,


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 “There is Division in My Church”True Life In God, September 21 1990


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 page 58 Sister Mary of the Cross. Shepherdess of La Salette. by Abbe Gouin, expanded edition 2015

